Yeatzee Guitar Wet/Dry/Wet That Pedal Show

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This patch was created to tackle the $30k That Pedal Show Wet-Dry-Wet rig complete with a Two Rock, vintage Vox AC30, and Hamstead Artist 60.

First check the video out so you get an idea of tones and how it’s set up (description box has timestamps so you can jump through the video faster):

As of 5/16/20 this FREE download comes with two versions, one with stock cabs and the other setup for 3 IR’s.

If you do own various impulse response packs and want to utilize them make sure you use three from the SAME manufacturer to eliminate phasing issues (i.e. 3 different Ownhammer cab IR’s are fine to mix and match, but 2 OH and 1 Tone Junkies IR will result in phasing issues).  Personally, I recommend using your favorite 4×12 IR for the dry amp and two different vox 2×12 style IR’s for the vox amps. That gave me the best results.

*Note* – You WILL have to adjust the level parameter of the wet amp IR’s as they are set specifically for the IR’s I used. There is no standard for IR loudness, some are louder than others so use a DAW level meter or just your ears to make things even.


This patch is setup with EIGHT Snapshot mode giving you the following snapshots:

All Amps, Dry only, Fuzz, Slapback, Wet Only, Fawn Only (Ac30 Fawn Nrm), Ac30 Only (Ac30 Fawn Brt), OD Chorus

I kept on the bottom row the most important snapshots for those that use stomp/snap mode. Still, when trying out the patch I recommend switching to 8 snap mode in the settings to get a full grasp of everything. I’ve also laid out footswitches for all of the effect pedals.

Finally, this patch is STEREO and it makes total use of that with the wet amps hard panned to either side. I have no idea if it will sound even remotely decent in mono, but it will be an entirely different and much better experience in stereo 🙂


If you like the patch and feel like supporting me and the work I do for the Helix consider donating a cup of coffee my way at or picking up some paid presets.




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